Features on:

Why There's Nothing Wrong

There’s nothing wrong with your marriage. You are just stuck at power struggle stage and your goal is to take it to mature love.

Stage 01

Romance Stage

Passionate and infatuated beginning of a relationship. Strong focus is on physical attraction and emotional connection between partners.

Stage 02

Power Struggle Stage

Filled with fights, arguments and silence. Here couples feel like victims and see their spouse as a victimiser. 7 out of 10 couples never cross this stage.

Stage 03

Mature Love Stage

Marked by mutual respect, trust, and enduring affection, where partners support each other through life's ups and downs.

How You’ll Move From Power Struggle To Mature Love

The Victim Mindset

A victim mindset in marriage refers to a mentality where partners consistently perceive themselves as victims of their spouse's actions or circumstances within the marriage. The indicators of Victim Mindset are blaming attitude, negativity in thoughts, martyrdom behaviour and resentment towards spouse & family.

The Hero Mindset

The realisation of the fact that you and your spouse are both wonderful human beings and you are stuck in a power struggle stage leads you to develop a Hero Mindset. At this stage, you focus on yourself and becoming the person your spouse can’t resist falling in love with. Indicators of Hero Mindset are being open to learning Relationship Science, taking responsibility for your actions, taking care of yourself and being compassionate towards your spouse.

Re-establishing Contact

Once you become a hero, your perception of yourself and your spouse will be totally different from the one you had earlier. This will be visible in every aspect of your life. You will be calm, empathetic, listening and will respond pleasantly.

Notice Phase

Your spouse cannot NOT notice when you genuinely change into a loving, caring spouse after learning Relationship Science. This will be the beginning of her journey from power struggle to mature love, from being a victim to a queen. However, just because she has noticed the change doesn’t mean she is going to acknowledge that you have changed. This will only make her move to the next stage.

Doubt Phase

When a human brain notices something too good to be true, it doubts its authenticity. Doubting is how your spouse’s brain tries to keep herself safe by being cautious. She consistently tries to find reasons that will only make her remain in the victim mindset. Our brain hates change, even a change in our thinking, and it does everything in its ability to stop us.

Resist phase

As a next step, your spouse resists all your efforts by not reciprocating with you. She might tell you things like “What’s the use now”, “I will never come back”, “this marriage is over”, etc. You will not see any changes at this juncture. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Things are happening at a deeper level and will surface with time.

Strengthening the bond

This is also a stage where the criticism is at its peak. In fact, you see things getting worse. Most spouses give up at the resist phase as they don’t see any progress. But if you have a coach and a strong community to support you, you can strengthen the bond between you and your spouse.


Since you don’t give up, your spouse realises that you are not fake. You genuinely love her. And at this point, she starts reciprocating. There are times you would notice your spouse fluctuating between resistance and trust. You got to take these moments as a wonderful opportunity to show that you are indeed a hero of her life.


Dating is a phase where you press the ‘refresh’ button. It is a phase in which you see your spouse as a friend, someone you would like to fall in love with. You spend a lot of time in each other’s company. However, you might see her criticising you for the past, even while having fun. But it is just passing criticism that will disappear over time.

Awesome Marriage

Everyone should get married twice. The first can be an arranged marriage, but the second one, after the power struggle, should be love. At this stage, you come together not as husband and wife but as lovers and each other’s best friend. This is where you feel truly connected. You start supporting each other to become your best version.

Topics You’ll Learn Inside

Awesome Marriage Blueprint
Conflict To Connection
Anger Management
Trust Building
More Love Challenge
Separation To Connection
Show Up Challenge
Affair To Affection
Happily Ever After
Communication Mastery
Big Bro Formula
Marriage Health Quiz
Marriage Sutras

Val is like an Angel sent by God on Earth for me. I would like to say that Val is like an angel to me, or another form of God who came to Earth to help me out. My wife and I were separated for 1.5+ years, with divorce as the only option left. However, when I enrolled in his program during our separation, followed all the guidelines, and understood the processes—what went wrong and how to make it right in the correct way—after some time, my wife came back. We are now living a very happy and joyful life, something I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams. The impossible was made possible only because of Val. Once, when Val came to my hometown, I went to meet him specifically to touch his feet. I can guarantee 200% that things will be fine one day, provided the processes are followed dedicatedly. I was on the verge of divorce, and things turned around for me. Please believe in yourself and in God, and miracles will happen. So, if you are living in the worst marriage or have no connection with your spouse, feeling depressed, or thinking your love life or marriage is over, it's the right platform not only for bringing back love but also for bringing a shift in your professional career. Thank you very much, Coach, for all the support. If you are struggling in your marriage don't think twice just go for this program.

Rahul Prem

I feel so blessed to be in this Community… of Awesome Husbands. I have learned a lot about Relationship Science, which has helped me understand my spouse's feelings and identify the ingredients necessary to achieve a happy, successful married life. Thanks to Coach Val for the guidance.

Atul Soni

This course is not just a game changer  in a relationship but also for your life. There are so many facets of learning that a sub conscious mind may be knowing but never apply. This course is all about application, show-up, taking care of yourself, family no matter what your condition is. Wish i knew about such program earlier in life , but nonetheless this program is for almost everyone and anyone who want a loving and caring relationship and also a healthy life. Thanks coach val for this program. You are creating better version of ppl like me. Thanks again.

Amit B

It was a life-changing experience.
Coach Val has changed my perspective on relationships. This course has shown me a mirror to realize who I am. It was a life-changing experience. Everyone should go through this program once in their lifetime. I never knew such relationship science existed. Thank you, Coach Val.


There are not enough words to thank Coach Val whose guidance and teachings helped to bring back love into my married life. When I came across his courses I already was separated from my wife and we both were in initial phase of getting divorced. But thanks to Coach and his Relationship Science theory I was able to pull myself out of the victim mindset to a Hero mind set which helped to De-escalate her anger and now I am living happily with my wife and sonI was a believer that being single was in my destiny but after 9 months of learnings now I can truly say that anyone with a Hero mindset has the power to change his destiny.

Bhuvesh Kumar

Our Love Story:

International Bestseller

Hey there! I'm Val, the co-founder of TwoDropsOcean and founder of Awesome Husbands Hub, a global community dedicated to nurturing fantastic marriages for men ready to go the extra mile for love. Today, I want to share our remarkable love story that transcended boundaries and brought us closer than ever.

It all began when Pallabi and I crossed paths in college. Little did we know that our connection would span over 12 unforgettable years, culminating in not one, not two, but three weddings to celebrate our love. Yes, you heard it right – three weddings! We tied the knot in a temple, exchanged vows in a church, and sealed the deal at the courthouse. Our journey to marital bliss was nothing short of extraordinary. As we embarked on this new chapter of our lives, I was brimming with confidence and optimism. I was well aware of the challenges marriages could face, but I had an unshakable belief that we were different. After all, we'd known each other for over a decade, and I, as a counsellor and life coach, thought I had all the tools to navigate the labyrinth of marriage.

However, reality had its own plans....
Our marital paradise soon faced its share of storms. Pallabi and I found ourselves in heated arguments, trading shouts and jabs. I felt that this was normal as I'd seen my parents do the same, and they remained together. But as time passed, the situation deteriorated. The fights grew fiercer, the arguments more frequent, and perhaps painfully, the silences between us grew longer and heavier. Instead of turning to friends and family for advice, I turned to the boundless wisdom of the internet.

What I discovered shook the very foundation of my beliefs. I realized that there was nothing inherently wrong with our marriage; it was just that we were stuck in a power struggle stage. Determined to rebuild what we had lost, I embarked on a quest to understand the science behind relationships. Armed with this knowledge, I learned to reconnect with Pallabi in ways I could never have imagined. The misunderstandings that had clouded our love vanished like morning mist, and she began to trust me more with each passing day. Our hearts rekindled their flame, and we grew closer together. And this brings me to today, a few years down the road. Just before I put my fingers to the keyboard to type this in, my wife gave me a warm, heartfelt hug and a loving kiss, whispering in my ear those three magical words: "I love you". Our journey hasn't been without its twists and turns, but it's proof that with dedication, a little knowledge, and a lot of love, even the rockiest paths can lead to the most breathtaking destinations.
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